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Purchase Animalintex Poultice Pad 8" x 16"

Aids in wound healing and relieves minor stiffness and soreness

Species: Dog Horse
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Purchase Animalintex Poultice Pad 8" x 16"

Aids in wound healing and relieves minor stiffness and soreness

Species: Dog Horse
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Product description

Animalintex poultice is a convenient, ready-to-use poultice that comes in a pad, not a bucket.

Active ingredients

Animalintex poultice contains a mild antiseptic (boric acid) and Tragacanth, a natural poulticing agent to promote faster healing.

Indications for use

  • Animalintex poultice:

    • Aids in wound healing and relieves minor stiffness and soreness.
    • Absorbs exudates; provides moist, clean healing site; cushions sore areas.
    • Retains moisture/warmth and helps prevent external contamination due to its occlusive backing.
  • Animalintex poultice recommended uses:

    • Hot poultice: for abscesses, boils, infected and dirty wounds, cracked heels, thorns, laminitis,seedy toe, corns.
    • Cold poultice: strains, sprains, sore shins, splints, bruises, capped hocks and elbows
    • Can also apply to hoof after training to help cool down/condition hoof
    • Dry dressing: over open wounds, pressure padding

Administration and dosage

  • Animalintex poultice for common equine disorders:
Symptoms Treatment
Abscess: Dramatic lameness, horse will not even put its foot on the ground Protect surrounding area with petroleum jelly to avoid skin scald. Apply hot (110–120°F), wet poultice every 8 hours for up to 2 days until it bursts. Once abscess is broken, apply dry Animalintex. If deep cavity is evident, consult veterinarian.
Bruised sole: Horse is sensitive to pressure over sole. Lameness is worse on stony ground. Horn around white line may be discolored. Apply hot (110–120°F), wet Animalintex every 8 hours for up to 3 days. Consult veterinarian if condition persists.
Corn: Intermittent lameness; usually gets worse with exercise, especially on hard/uneven ground. When seat of corn is pared, an area of discolored horn is visible. Apply hot (110–120°F), wet Animalintex for 2–3 days; change every 8–12 hours. Consult veterinarian for severe cases.
Cracked heels: Skin at back of pastern becomes swollen and stretched and cracks appear; frequently infected by dirt and grit. Cleanse area with cool, clean water, salt and mild soap (use soft brush). Apply hot (110–120°F), wet poultice every 8 hours for 2 days to remove scabs. Then use dry Animalintex (change every 12 hours) until skin is healed.
Laminitis: Inflammation of sensitive laminae. Horse tries to take weight off its toes and sinks back on heels. In acute cases, unwilling to walk; hooves may be warm. Consult veterinarian immediately to minimize risk of permanent damage. Apply hot (110–120°F), wet poultice to help draw out debris/pus, improve circulation and ease discomfort. After 3 hot applications, use cold, wet poultice to ease inflammation and discomfort. Trim feet to ensure balanced foot; special shoeing may be needed.
Sand crack: Small, usually vertical, crack which can grow larger if ignored. If it reaches coronet band, it will prevent normal, uncracked horn from growing. Horse may be lame if it extends down to sensitive tissues. Stopping spread of crack is critical. A horizontal groove above and as deep as crack, or vertical groove on either side of crack, may stop crack. Use dry Animalintex to protect hoof while new horn grows; change daily. If infected, use hot (110–120°F), wet poultice for 2–3 days to draw out infection.
Seedy toe: Infection very painful. Black exudate (may be dry or crumbly rather than liquid) travels up foot at the toe through the white line. Infected horn must be removed; pack cavity with hot (110–120°F), wet poultice; change every 8 hours. Consult veterinarian.
Strains/sprains: Horse will often be lame. Apply cold, wet Animalintex; change every 8 hours for 24 hours. Then apply hot (110–120°F), wet Animalintex; change every 8 hours.
Thrush: Infection of the frog, horn is black, has an odor and appears moist. Horse will be lame only in severe cases. Remove all diseased horn and matter. Cleanse area thoroughly with 10 parts warm, clean (tap) water and 1 part hydrogen peroxide. Apply hot (110–120°F), wet poultice and cover with Gamgee padding (pressure on frog is important); change daily. After 3 applications, dry poultice may be used.
Manufactured by 3M.
Manufactured by 3M.