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Tetra’s tradition of innovation started more than 50 years ago in Melle, Germany, where Dr. Ulrich Baensch founded the company (Tetra Werke) and pioneered the development of flake fish food –– an innovation that revolutionized the industry. At the time, growing and harvesting food for your fish was a painstaking process. The advent of flake fish food not only made feeding your pet much easier. It opened the way for more people to own an aquarium.
Today, their biologists, chemists, and nutritionists continue to study and discover what keeps fish, reptiles, amphibians, ponds –– as well as aquatic plants–– thriving through a long, healthy life. Their focus remains on pioneering the development of innovative products.
At Tetra, they are dedicated to helping seasoned hobbyists and beginners alike enjoy a successful, life-long aquatic experience. Tetra wants to keep opening the way for more people to get involved, participate, and benefit from its rewards. Their goal is to reenergize the category by reinventing it –– building fish-, reptile-, and pond- keeping confidence, one innovation at a time. After all, they are not just biologists, nutritionists, and chemists. They are hobbyists, too.
Tetra Lifeguard
Tratamiento todo en uno para enfermedades bacterianas, fúngi...