In 1994, Daniel Farrington, based in the US, founded Homeopet LLC with a desire to help pets and pet parents around the world achieve a natural path to good health. Daniel used his brother Thomas’s guidance and formulas to start the HomeoPet brand. Thomas is a conventional practicing vet who has used alternative and homeopathic medicines for almost 30 years as part of his everyday practice. HomeoPet medicines are targeted to provide support to the animals’ own natural healing system and bring relief without and known side effects.
Daniel worked tirelessly with his brother Thomas to offer pet lovers a line of product that is safe, drug-free, affordable, and an effective alternative to traditional veterinary drugs. HomeoPet offers something for each and every pet. Whether you have a dog, cat, horse, bird, rabbit, or another pet, you’ll find a natural and safe solution for their health concerns within their line of products available on Vetito veterinary pharmacy.
HomeoPet Alivio de la Ansiedad
Remedio homeopático natural que favorece el alivio de la ans...
HomeoPet Alivio Nasal
Remedio homeopático natural que favorece la salud del tracto...
Homeopet Ansiedad de Viaje
Remedio homeopático natural que alivia el mareo y el miedo a...
HomeoPet Avian Digestive Upsets
Natural homeopathic remedy that provides relief from digesti...
HomeoPet Avian Nose Relief
Natural homeopathic remedy that provides support for a healt...
HomeoPet Avian WRM Clear
Natural homeopathic remedy that can aid in & support the rem...
HomeoPet Coat Rescue
Natural homeopathic remedy that supports healthy skin & a sh...
HomeoPet Tos
Remedio homeopático natural que alivia la tos
HomeoPet Crema Curativa
Remedio homeopático natural que favorece y apoya la curación...
HomeoPet Trastornos Digestivos
Remedio homeopático natural que alivia los problemas digesti...
HomeoPet Doggy Dental
Natural homeopathic remedy that reduces the buildup of plaqu...
HomeoPet Estrés Articular
Remedio homeopático natural que favorece la función y la mov...
HomeoPet Gatos Alivio de la Ansiedad
Remedio homeopático natural que alivia la ansiedad
HomeoPet Feline Digestive Upsets
Natural homeopathic remedy that provides temporary relief fr...
HomeoPet Gatos Bola de Pelo
Remedio homeopático natural que favorece un proceso digestiv...
HomeoPet Feline Nose Relief
Natural homeopathic remedy that provides support for a healt...
HomeoPet Feline Purr Dental
Natural homeopathic remedy that helps reduce the buildup of ...
HomeoPet Gatos Skin & Itch
Remedio homeopático natural que favorece el alivio temporal ...
HomeoPet Feline WRM Clear
Natural homeopathic remedy that can aid in & support the rem...
HomeoPet Fuegos Artificiales
Remedio homeopático natural que alivia temporalmente el mied...
HomeoPet First Aid
Natural homeopathic remedy for cuts, scratches, bites & woun...
HomeoPet Hot Spots
Remedio homeopático natural que puede favorecer la curación ...
HomeoPet Leaks No More
Remedio homeopático natural que promueve el alivio temporal ...
HomeoPet Liver Rescue
Natural homeopathic remedy that supports the removal of toxi...
HomeoPet Skin & Itch
Remedio homeopático natural que alivia temporalmente las ale...
HomeoPet Storm Stress
Remedio homeopático natural que puede reducir el estrés en m...
HomeoPet WRM Clear
Remedio homeopático natural que puede ayudar a la eliminació...
HomeoVet EquioPathics Cough & Allergy
Natural homeopathic remedy that provides temporary relief fr...
HomeoVet EquioPathics Digestive Upsets
Natural homeopathic remedy that provides temporary relief fr...
HomeoVet EquioPathics Joint Stress
Natural homeopathic remedy that supports healthy joint funct...
HomeoVet EquioPathics Nose Relief
Natural homeopathic remedy that provides support for a healt...
HomeoVet EquioPathics Pre-Performance Stress
Natural homeopathic remedy that promotes relief from fear
HomeoVet EquioPathics Travel Anxiety
Natural homeopathic remedy that promotes relief from fear
HomeoVet EquioPathics WRM Clear
Natural homeopathic remedy that aids in & supports the remov...